Roxane Mbanga
Where are you from?
Saturday 24 September, 3pm
Roxane Mbanga, Where are you from?, 2022. Photo by Sanne Pepper. Courtesy of the artist.
Where are you from? is a performance by multidisciplinary artist Roxane Mbanga, which will be performed inside her installation NOIRES currently on show at San Mei Gallery.
In her work, Mbanga highlights the perceptions of self and the place of black women in public space, and their shifting registers of both invisiblisation and hypervisibiliation. Questioning the normative dynamics of the white gaze, in this performance Mbanga declines the contradictions of exoticism.
Where are you from? has been programmed in conjunction with Roxane Mbanga’s exhibition NOIRES, on view at San Mei Gallery between 21 September–15 October 2022. This exhibition and accompanying public programme is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England and Fluxus Arts Projects.
Please note that income from ticket sales for this event goes directly to the artist, Roxane Mbanga.
Artist biography
Roxane Mbanga (b.1996, Paris) is a Guadeloupean-Cameroonian-French multidisciplinary artist, currently based in Amsterdam. Working at the junction of fashion, film, graphic design, photography, writing, and performance, Mbanga considers herself a storyteller. Mbanga studied at Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam. Select recent presentations include: Wearing Your Nudity, TEDx Talk, Amsterdam University College, 2022; I am because you are, Vincent op Vrijdag, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 2022; Workshop Play it safe (or not), Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam, 2022; Installation Histoires de femmes, Amsterdam Fashion Week, Amsterdam, 2022.